Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Papa is 53 today :)

There are times where i felt
you were harsh on me
There are times where i felt
you were being unreasonable towards me
There are times where i felt
im never good enough for you

But all the time,
I have always wanted to be like you
All the time
I have always wanted to talk the same way you do
All the time
I wanted to act just like you
All the time
I wanted to think like you
And all the time
I have always wanted to be the best for you

You amaze me
With your ability to work round the clock
Yet you are still able to ensure that you fulfil your duty towards Islam

I am amazed
With your deep knowledge and understanding about almost everything
With your sense of humour and your ability to create jokes out of nowhere
With your ability to be strict and firm yet accomodating
With your ability to scold us yet make us feel loved
With your ability to fulfil all our needs and wants.

I am amazed
With the discipline you have instilled in yourself
Coz u have always make difficult things look easy
You have always told me
That everything will be easy if i know how to discipline myself
Yet till today i just can't.

I know i can never be you
Nor can anybody else
But i am proud to be your son
And having you around to guide me
Is the best gift ever

I apologize for all my wrongdoings
I apologize for those moments when i would blame you for being harsh on me
I know you did what you did
Because u have high expectations on me as your eldest son
And I don't intend to let you down.

Thank you for everything Papa.
You have been the best for us.
You know we love you.
Happy 53rd birthday.
I love you.

:) :) :)

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