Thursday, July 15, 2010

8th :)

okay. now this post is dedicated to budak berat saya, about additional things i've learnt about her sepanjang 8 bulan dengan dia, things which i didn't know when i was her friend before :

1) she's good with kids

- sangat2 tkejut. all this while i tot budak ni pandai main kucing je. n dia pun byk kali ckp dia x suke budak2. tapi to my surprise nina n aiman sangat rapat dgn dia skrg. sgt kagum tgk dia ajar aiman maths haritu. could not describe how i feel, rasa sgt seronok. n as for nina, i think she's happy finally dia dah jumpa org yg sebaya dgn dia kot, siap boleh gado2 lagi sbb x puas ati kalah main n rebut2 nak bukak pintu kereta. (sah2 la awk menang if lawan budak 7 tahun kan??)

2) she's giving as much as i am, maybe more, for our relationship.

- i know sy slalu bising why evrytym pun mcm sy je yg kene buat mcm2. tapi percaya la evrytym i said that i know it's not true, coz this special girl has given so much for us..a lot of rough patches, n im happy i still have u.muah.

3) dia slalu risau x bertempat (paranoid)

- lepas amek gamba passport utk interview : "awk, mane gamba sy yg dulu tu, nak tgk mane lagi cantik.", "ala, nape mcm yg dulu ni lagi cantik"

- sambil mengunyah makanan: "awk, awk rasa sy makin gemuk ke?", "dah biasa org ckp sy makin kurus, nnt if org tibe2 ckp badan sy naik sy sentap"

- duduk dlm kete yg bergerak dengan sedikit laju: "amirah cuba bawak senonoh sikit!", "hei die nh bawak xleh lagi senonoh", "isshhh rapat sgt la kat belah kiri ni!!"

- setiap kali sampai mane2 tempat yg ktorg pegi: "awk, nak p toilet"

- setiap kali die marah atau merajuk : "K", "X","Xtau","Xpe", "Nite" :-0

- setiap kali mood die baik : (xleh tulis, nnt dia emo.huhu)

4) wpun dia slalu bising berat dia naik, dia x penah nampak gemuks. i know i'll never admit this dpn awk tp it's true :) owh yeah, in case u r reading, tgk betul2 ayat kat atas eh. i said x penah nampak gemuk, tp sy x ckp awk kecik B-)

5) lidah dia blh sentuh hujung hidung sendiri. yuckss. uwek. jijik.

~im still nervous evrytym nak jumpe awk. n wpun almost hari2 jumpe, sy x pernah rasa cukup. evrytym hanta awk balik sy akan sedey :( n yeah, i'll continue doing stoopid things when im with u, coz i love seeing u smile n laugh, n membebel jugak :)~