screwing up is one thing.facing the consequence is another. can't think of a solution. this time there's no way out. praying somehow the client will decide not to proceed with the appeal. that's d only option i have to save my arse. grounds of judgment, please b good. please don't give me any grounds to appeal, so that i can advise the client to withdraw his appeal. this profession is no fun.
myself, please remember :
1) NEVER trust the court's staffs. they don't know anything. menyesal relied 100% on their words. haritu time orang tanya cakap lain. today cakap lain plak. mana aku nak tau ko xtau, dah ko jawab mcm ko tau. dah la tu mmg keje ko hari2 ko buat, mmg la aku igt menda yg ko bgtau tu betul. lain kali xtau cakap je la xtau. kan senang. then kurang ajar pulak on d phone. bile orang introduce diri at least tanya la what can u help, or tanye je la nape call. ni orang introduce n u diam. nampak sangat mmg xde hati nak jwb call. mangkok. yah i shudnt blame u. my own fault. should have read n do some research.
2) NEVER trust the obviously untrustworthy lawyer. fine this time u win on technicalities. how wud i know?? i am just a 6 months old lawyer. can't u at least notify me earlier, since u knew about this? u know how this time there's nothing i can do to undo my mistake kan? u tau how it feels kan? xleh ke spare me this seksa n AJAR budak baru ni?? give me 2 years, i'll make u eat humble pie, arsehole. cannot blame u too. my fault jugak.
3) LITIGATION is no fun. full of pressure. once u screw up other people suffer. then because u cause them to suffer they will make u suffer. padahal u were there in the first place to help them solve their prob. bodo lah!!
Headnotes : i took over a High Court divorce matter from a far more experienced lawyer. knew nothing about the matter b4. learned the hard way.was not given the option to say no. did the full trial n obtained judgment. judgment was fairly ok but client xnak dgr n insist nak appeal. appealled and failed to do something which is fatal to the appeal. now facing the prospect of the appeal being struck out. reason : MY OWN FREAKING STOOPID MISTAKE. to make it worse, there's no way out. no way to reinstate. no way to redo. now what shud i tell the client?? "please withdraw your appeal and just pay whatever the judgment says, coz I SCREWED UP AND SURELY UR APPEAL WILL BE STRUCK OUT N THERE'S NO OTHER WAY FOR U TO APPEAL ANYMORE??"
- down, out and thinking of quitting. even that will not solve anything. sun, please shine and give me reasons to smile again. the rest, i can only pray to Him.-